Pharmacy Dispensary Policy

Please read the following carefully before obtaining products on Matrix-36 Pharmacy.

Medications that are tagged 'POM' (Prescription only Medicines), 'Anti-infectives', and 'CD' (Controlled Drugs) will require the upload of your prescription at Checkout.

For medications that require a prescription, when your order is made and payment is completed, the prescription will be verified by a Matrix-36 Pharmacist to ensure the validity of your prescription.

A valid prescription is one that contains all of the following information:

  • the patient's full name
  • the patient's age
  • the patient's sex
  • the prescriber's name
  • the prescriber's signature
  • the prescriber's organization
  • the correct name of drug
  • the dose required
  • the duration of use (open prescriptions with no duration of use will not be accepted)

When the prescription is approved, then your order will be shipped to you. If your prescription is not valid, you will be contacted to notify you of the reason. You can then send the valid prescription to our mail at else your order will be cancelled and your payment refunded.